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A Replenishing Income Strategy

The Portfolio Waterfall™

Top Three Reasons Why Retirees Run Out of Money

Market Volatility + Selling the Wrong Assets

The Portfolio Waterfall™ Solution

Income security is realized when money flows across your portfolio creating a waterfall effect.

Guard Your Income from Volatile Markets

  • Get more income for life without tying up your money or taking on more risk.
  • Use market volatility to create a cash waterfall.
  • Diversify properly to provide reliable income.

Take Advantage of Growth Opportunities

  • Your growth increases as we use capital gains, dividends, AND interest to create a waterfall of cash into a stable account for your income withdrawals.
  • 100% LIQUID

Reduce the Risk of Running Out of Money

  • Take income from a stable account that is automatically replenished by your portfolio WaterfallTM  reducing your risk of ever running out of money.

The Portfolio Waterfall™ vs Traditional Portfolio 

*past performance may not be indicative of future returns

Learn More

Learn more about how to implement the Portfolio Waterfall strategy to bring new life to your retirement